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Graphic Interpretation: Getting Started on Using geoBASIC – Vander Ark, Steve

Commodore World Issue #10, October 1995, p. 38

The groundwork for creating a program with geoBASIC. Topics: program structure ... figure program elements.

geoProgrammist: Back to Basics – Randall, Maurice

Commodore World Issue #10, October 1995, p. 40

Thinking through on program flow means going back to basics. Topics: GEOS main ... g. Includes source code.

Hard Tips: Disable the Built-In Drive on Your Commodore 128D – Anger, Al

Commodore World Issue #10, October 1995, p. 42

Bypassing the 128D's internal disk drive. Parts list and instructions for insta ... ternal 1571 in the 128D.

Top Tips – Thomas, Bruce

Commodore World Issue #10, October 1995, p. 10

Upgrade to GEOS 2000 now! A Y2K patch for GEOS's Calendar desk accessory.

BASIC Instincts: Using BASIC's Load: Part 2 – Barker, Gene

Commodore World Issue #10, October 1995, p. 44

Part 2 of a series on using BASIC's LOAD. Calling Kernal routines from BASIC to ... ters with SYS on the 64.

Peripheral Vision: Serial Bus Basics – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #10, October 1995, p. 48

An overview of Commodore's serial bus. Serial I/O and the LISTEN-TALK-UNLISTEN cycle.

Carrier Detect: Surfing the Net has a Price – Moranec, Gaelyne R.

Commodore World Issue #10, October 1995, p. 50

Tips, truths, and advice about the Internet. Advantages of connecting to remote ... NIX command cheat sheet.

Over the Edge – Stevens, Harold Jr.

Commodore World Issue #10, October 1995, p. 55

Seen any Volkswagen Beetles lately? Author draws an analogy between the Commodo ... d the Volkswagen Beetle.

Commodore Trivia #9 – Brain, Jim

Commodore World Issue #10, October 1995, p. 6

How well do you know your Commodore facts? Reprinted from Commodore Trivia on t ... and questions $080-$08f.

Commodore Trivia #10 – Brain, Jim

Commodore World Issue #11, November 1995, p. 6

How well do you know your Commodore facts? Reprinted from Commodore Trivia on t ... arlier installments.

Just For Starters – Vander Ark, Steve

Commodore World Issue #11, November 1995, p. 10

Printer selection and simple BASIC programming. Topics: A quick look at printer ... program with variables.

Foreign Exchange: Working with GoDot – Gaudl, Joseph

Commodore World Issue #11, November 1995, p. 13

What can GoDot really do? A tour of the features in the GoDot image-processing ... and Wolfgang Kling.