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Graphic Interpretation: Getting Started with geoBASIC: Part 3 – Vander Ark, Steve

Commodore World Issue #12, January 1996, p. 38

Part 3 of a series on programming in geoBASIC. Fleshing out subroutines from th ... or programming projects.

The Sysop's Corner: So You Want to Run a BBS? – Cottrel, Max

Commodore World Issue #12, January 1996, p. 40

Did you ever want to start your own BBS? Advice for aspiring BBS Sysops.

Carrier Detect: Downloading Made Simple – Moranec, Gaelyne R.

Commodore World Issue #12, January 1996, p. 42

Downloading "shrink-wrapped" files from the web. Download files from BBSes and ... , Uuencoding, and Bcode.

geoProgrammist: Get in Line – Randall, Maurice

Commodore World Issue #12, January 1996, p. 48

DoInlineReturn. The GOES Kernal allows parameters to be passed back from a subr ... the Table of Contents.)

BASIC Instincts: Clever Speed – Barker, Gene

Commodore World Issue #12, January 1996, p. 48

Null characters and you. Optimizing BASIC programs by refactoring the design of ... , November 1995, p. 50.)

Peripheral Vision: Devices 0 and 3 – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #12, January 1996, p. 50

Null characters and you. Working with device 0 (the keyboard) and device 3 (the ... , November 1995, p. 50.)

Assembly Line – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #12, January 1996, p. 52

Using processor registers and debugging tips. Topics: registers, looping, Kerna ... , November 1995, p. 52.)

Jack Tramiel: Origins of the Originator – Wood, Leslie

The TORPET World of Commodore Special Issue, December 1983, p. 4

A short feature on Jack Tramiel and the history of Commodore. A sidebar presen ... e famous Tramiel quotes.

Dvorak Keyboard: Redefining the Commodore 64 Keyboard – Frenchu, William R.

The TORPET World of Commodore Special Issue, December 1983, p. 8

Short program copies Kernal ROM into RAM and edits the keyboard decode table t ... Y keys to Dvorak layout.

Game Review – Spitfire Ace – Beach, Bonnar

The TORPET World of Commodore Special Issue, December 1983, p. 10

Review of Spitfire Ace from MicroProse.

Game Reviews for C-64 – McNichol, B.

The TORPET World of Commodore Special Issue, December 1983, p. 15

Reviews of Twist 64 and Tronic Cycle from Microfex, Radar Rat Race and Visible ... , and Jumpman from Epyx.

VICmodem Switching – McDowell, Theodore

The TORPET World of Commodore Special Issue, December 1983, p. 27

Parts list, instructions, and diagrams for building a switch box to make diali ... 0 modem more convenient.