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Hardware in Review: Action Replay – Freedline, Sherry

Commodore World Issue #8, 1995, p. 34

An all-around cartridge for game-players and programmers alike. Datel's Swiss A ... from Datel Electronics.

geoProgrammist – Randall, Maurice

Commodore World Issue #8, 1995, p. 38

Adding more capabilities to our own dialog box. Input filename becomes select f ... ns to GEOS dialog boxes.

Graphic Interpretation: Been to Any Good Shows, Lately? – Vander Ark, Steve

Commodore World Issue #8, 1995, p. 36

Find out what's the latest goings-on in GEOSdom. Report on a Commodore computer ... ub in Lansing, Michigan.

BASIC Instincts: Screen I/O techniques: Part 2 – Barker, Gene

Commodore World Issue #8, 1995, p. 42

Part 2 of a series on writing BASIC input subroutines. Building a "lightbar" menu in BASIC.

Hard Tips: RAMLink Modifications – Fellows, Mark and Doug Cotton

Commodore World Issue #8, 1995, p. 46

Direct access to an REU in RAMLink while using a SwiftLink. RAMifications: RAML ... lement the instructions.

Peripheral Vision: The Direct Approach to Relatives – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #8, 1995, p. 47

Part I of a series on Relative file programming. Programming RELative files. Il ... e-sectors with diagrams.

Carrier Detect: I Can See Your Home Page from Here... – Moranec, Gaelyne R.

Commodore World Issue #8, 1995, p. 50

Learn to navigate on the World Wide Web. Topics: Gopher, FTP, web pages, telnet ... text-based web browser.

Over the Edge – Moranec, Gaelyne R.

Commodore World Issue #8, 1995, p. 54

Lists can be fun if you don't mind being categorized now and then. Don't box me ... heir computing horizons.

Just For Starters – Vander Ark, Steve

Commodore World Issue #9, August 1995, p. 14

Know your ports and try some simple BASIC programming. Commodore basics for the ... GOTO construct in BASIC.

Foreign Exchange: European Vacation? – Gaudl, Joseph

Commodore World Issue #9, August 1995, p. 16

The latest goings-on in the European Commodore market. Topics: Speculation abou ... ttke and Wolfgang Kling.

Understanding Spreadsheets – Pankhurst, David

Commodore World Issue #9, August 1995, p. 18

Learn what spreadsheets can do for you! Have you ever wondered just what an Ele ... in spreadsheet software.

Spreadsheets by the Numbers – Freedline, Sherry

Commodore World Issue #9, August 1995, p. 22

An in-depth look at four current spreadsheet programs and their features. How d ... from Berkeley Softworks.