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Symlister – A List Formatter for Symass – Spencer, John A.

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 1, July 1987, p. 50

A list formatter for the Symass assembler...Symlister will automatically detect ... s. Includes source code.

XREF for the Commodore 64 – Archibald, David

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 1, July 1987, p. 52

Variable and line-number cross-referencing in a single command. An indispensibl ... es on which they appear.

Beyond Compare – Lathrop, David

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 1, July 1987, p. 56

A multi-format compare/display utility. Find the differences between two files ... files under comparison.

TeleColumn – Transactor Staff

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 2, September 1987, p. 16

Multiple CompuServe Topics: Transactor's CompuServe Data Library, rate changes ... n-Length Encoded) files.

Mouse-Driven Menus – Bryant, Anthony

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 2, September 1987, p. 17

The power of an Atari ST on your C-64!...a hires menu system for the C-64 and C ... trate the routine calls.

Garbage Collector Revealed – Graham, Michael T.

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 2, September 1987, p. 30

Crashed or collecting? Wonder no more!...the system appears to be dead as a doo ... d. Includes source code.

SYS 65478: Taking a New Look at an Old Dog – Garamszeghy, Miklos

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 2, September 1987, p. 33

A new look at an old dog...the KERNAL CHKIN routine can be put to some much les ... nd executed in sequence.

Kernal LISTEN and Its Relatives – Germain, Eric

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 2, September 1987, p. 36

More control, less code. A follow-up to Assembly Language Disk Access by Richar ... s. Includes source code.

Commodore External RAM Expansion Cartridges – Castello, Dale A.

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 2, September 1987, p. 38

Use them from BASIC on your C-64. Transfer commands for your external storage a ... e. Includes source code.

In the CP/M Mode – Karnes, Clifton

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 2, September 1987, p. 42

How to get more out of C128 CP/M. Topics: public domain text editor and spell c ... 8's keyboard under CP/M.

Using CP/M Plus User Areas – Herst, Adam

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 2, September 1987, p. 46

Making the most of practically nothing. Organizing CP/M disk directories with user areas.

Assembly Language Disk Error Recovery – Davis, Robert V.

The Transactor Volume 8, No. 2, September 1987, p. 49

Two nifty ML subroutines. Two small disk utility subroutines. Two machine-langu ... l. Includes source code.