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Wish You Were Here.... – Albert, Sue

Info Issue No. 19, March/April 1988, p. 54

Review of Postcards from Activision.

Thoughtform – Maxwell, Donald

Info Issue No. 19, March/April 1988, p. 56

Review of Thoughtform, a specialized word processor for generating outlines, from Thoughtform, Inc.

McGuffy's Grader – Kaspar, Dr. Elizabeth A.

Info Issue No. 19, March/April 1988, p. 59

Review of McGuffy's Grader gradebook program from Midwest Software.

Mini Chief Hard Drive – Brown, Mark R.

Info Issue No. 19, March/April 1988, p. 61

Review of the Mini Chief 20Mb hard drive from InConTrol.

Digital Superpak 2 Part Two: Pocket Filer 2 and Pocket Planner 2 – Thurber, Karl T. Jr.

Info Issue No. 19, March/April 1988, p. 62

Digital Solutions' Digital Superpak 2 is a bundle of its three best-selling Com ... from Digital Solutions.

The Gallery – Info Staff

Info Issue No. 20, May/June 1988, p. 14

Capsule reviews of Tetris from Spectrum Holobyte, Stealth Mission from subLOGI ... II from Electronic Arts.

User Group Forum – Lindsay, Len

Info Issue No. 20, May/June 1988, p. 51

"What's good?" "What's not?" "How does it work?" These are questions often hear ... ial events, newsletters.

geoStuff – Romero, Don

Info Issue No. 20, May/June 1988, p. 53

A look at some selections from Mystic Jim's shareware collection.

Who Do That Voodoo? (You Do!) – Albert, Sue

Info Issue No. 20, May/June 1988, p. 56

Deep in the moonlit jungle, the drumming reaches a frenzied climax as the Witch ... gic/Video from MicroAds.

Promenade – Baker, Robert W.

Info Issue No. 20, May/June 1988, p. 59

Review of the Promenade C1 and Capture EPROM programming system from Jason-Ranheim Company.

Bank Street Filer – Kaspar, Dr. Elizabeth A.

Info Issue No. 20, May/June 1988, p. 61

Review of Bank Street School Filer from Sunburst Communications.

Fleet System 2+ – Thurber, Karl T. Jr.

Info Issue No. 20, May/June 1988, p. 63

Review of Fleet System 2+ word processor and Fleet Filer database from Professional Software.