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Reviews: Write Now! – Peterson, Cheryl

Ahoy! Issue 12, December 1984, p. 38

Review of Write Now! from Cardco.

Reviews: Gridtrap – Fried, Greg

Ahoy! Issue 12, December 1984, p. 40

Review of Gridtrap from Livewire Software.

A User's Guide to KMMM Pascal – Kevelson, Morton

Ahoy! Issue 12, December 1984, p. 43

Review and overview of KMMM Pascal from Wilserv Industries.

Creating Your Own Games on the VIC and 64 – One Letter is a Thousand Pictures – Card, Orson Scott

Ahoy! Issue 12, December 1984, p. 47

Working with user-defined characters on the 64 in BASIC.

Construction Co. for the C-64 – Behling, B. W.

Ahoy! Issue 12, December 1984, p. 58

Strategy game for the 64 written in BASIC.

Rupert Report: Diving into BASIC: Exploring the Inner Structure of a BASIC Program – Rupert, Dale

Ahoy! Issue 12, December 1984, p. 86

Examination of memory usage in BASIC program storage. Includes example program ... nd merge BASIC programs.

Space Patrol for the C-64 – Lloret, Bob

Ahoy! Issue 12, December 1984, p. 95

Arcade game for the 64.

The Commodore 64's Other Languages – Bateman, Selby

Compute!'s Gazette Issue 31, Volume 4, No. 1, January 1986, p. 21

One or your first discoveries as a Commodore 64 owner is the presence of a prog ... of software and vendors.

The Natural Approach to Computer Languages – Bateman, Selby

Compute!'s Gazette Issue 31, Volume 4, No. 1, January 1986, p. 34

How would you like to converse with your computer just as you do with another p ... h-generation" computing.

The New MLX: Enhanced Machine Language Editor for the Commodore 64 – Cowper, Ottis R.

Compute!'s Gazette Issue 31, Volume 4, No. 1, January 1986, p. 42

This significantly improved version of COMPUTE!'s Gazette "MLX" utility will he ... uage listing entry tool.

Space Arena – Files, Bryan

Compute!'s Gazette Issue 31, Volume 4, No. 1, January 1986, p. 48

This engaging two-player game, which could have been titled "Indirect Aggressio ... ten in machine language.

Face-Off – Mykytyn, Kevin and Mark Tuttle

Compute!'s Gazette Issue 31, Volume 4, No. 1, January 1986, p. 50

Do you like fast action and competition? Whether you play against a friend or y ... the 64 written in BASIC.