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Selecting a Printer – Wilburn, Gene

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 20

Topics: daisy wheel vs. dot matrix, printer interfaces, print quality, paper feeds, and print speed.

Buying that First Printer – Koma, Stan

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 27

Factors to consider when buying a printer.

Parallel Printers and the VIC-20 – Quinn, David

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 30

Pin configurations for connecting a Centronics cable to the user port of the VIC-20.

The Commodore 4023 Printer – Stark, Edwin

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 31

Review of the Commodore 4023 dot-matrix printer.

The Smith-Corona TP-1 – Shirinian, George

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 32

Review of the Smith-Corona TP-1 daisy-wheel (letter-quality) printer.

The MX-80 FT(iii) – Wright, Ian A.

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 39

Review of the MX-80 FT(iii) dot-matrix printer from Epson.

Re-Inking Printer Ribbons – Toussaint, E.

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 41

A response to Re-Inking Printer Ribbons (The TORPET, July 1983, p. 15) with an ... ve method for re-inking.

Machine Language from Square One – Goldstein, Larry

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 44

Introduction to 6502 machine language.

Detecting Disk Format – Deal, Elizabeth

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 51

Detecting a 1541 or 4040 in BASIC.

80-Column Word Processing for VIC – Ross, Michael

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 52

Review of the Data 20 16k Video Pak that allows 80-column text on the VIC-20.

Sorting Lists – Dray, Robert

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 56

Explanation of three sort methods: linear sort, bubble sort, and quicksort.

B-Series: The New Business Computer – Part 3 – Campbell, Gord

The TORPET Issue #24, October 1983, p. 63

Memory layout in the B-Series.