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The VIC's "Hidden Symbols" – Commodore Microcomputers Staff

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 1, February 1982, p. 51

Lists four PETSCII characters that can be displayed with POKE or CHR$() but ar ... on the VIC-20 keyboard.

Some BASIC Analogies in Machine Code – Deal, Elizabeth

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 1, February 1982, p. 53

Some 6502 opcodes and their approximate equivalents in BASIC.

Collect – Commodore Microcomputers Staff

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 1, February 1982, p. 54

Explanation of the COLLECT command in BASIC, its effects on unclosed files and the block availability map.

Standards!! – Scott, Dave

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 1, February 1982, p. 56

A call for standards in documentation, user interface design, and programming style.

Accessing the SuperPET RS-232 Port – Middleton, Dave

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 1, February 1982, p. 58

Programming control, command, and status registers for the 6551 Asynchronous C ... (ACIA) on the SuperPET.

Keyed Random Access for the PET/CBM – Pearce, Glen

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 1, February 1982, p. 61

Program illustrates an implementation of an indexed sequential access method ( ... s. Includes source code.

Excerpts from a Technical Notebook – Commodore Microcomputers Staff, comp.

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 1, February 1982, p. 66

Topics: DOS 1.2 problems, a RELative records bug, a BASIC 4.0 string bug, and a detailed VIC-20 memory map.

Product Review: Wordcraft 80 – Commodore Microcomputers Staff

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 1, February 1982, p. 77

Review of the Wordcraft 80 word processor for the CBM 8032.

Product Review: BASIC Power – Deal, Elizabeth

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 1, February 1982, p. 81

Review of Power, a BASIC ROM extension by Brad Templeton, distributed by Professional Software Inc.

Butterfield on Commodore: Half a Dialogue—Reading Keys – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 1, February 1982, p. 85

Using GET and PEEK() to read the keyboard in BASIC.

From Where I Sit: Planning for Computers in Education – Downing, Bruce

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 2, April/May 1982, p. 5

Dr. Downing's column will be a regular feature of the Education section of this ... s to computer education.

Power/Play: The Magazine for Commodore Home Computerists Will Appear in June – Commodore Microcomputers Staff

Commodore Microcomputers Volume 3, No. 2, April/May 1982, p. 12

Commodore announces the launch of Power/Play magazine, to begin publication June 1982.