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Commodore's Delightful Demos! – Freedline, Sherry

Commodore World Issue #15, May 1996, p. 20

Part one of a series devoted to the Commodore works of art. A non-technical loo ... C-fixed Demos for 1996".

The Lansing Area Commodore Club Expo – Cottrel, Max

Commodore World Issue #15, May 1996, p. 26

Commodore gurus attend the LACC Expo. Report on the Lansing Area Commodore Club ... nsing, Michigan in 1996.

Games – Freedline, Sherry

Commodore World Issue #15, May 1996, p. 28

SkyFox, Qix, and arcade classics Frogger and Threshold. Reviews of Frogger from ... ox from Electronic Arts.

The SysOp's Corner: Setting Up Your Menu – Cottrel, Max

Commodore World Issue #15, May 1996, p. 32

Selecting and setting up menus for your BBS. Advice on building user-friendly m ... n to ANSI control codes.

Carrier Detect: Graphic Diversions – Moranec, Gaelyne R.

Commodore World Issue #15, May 1996, p. 34

Converting graphics formats to the Commodore. Graphics conversions: GoDot, GEOS ... lities available online.

geoProgrammist: Accessing VLIR Files – Randall, Maurice

Commodore World Issue #15, May 1996, p. 38

Learning about accessing VLIR files. Opening and closing VLIR files; reading an ... a. Includes source code.

Assembly Line: Review and Practice – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #15, May 1996, p. 40

A review of (and some new ideas about) PEEK and POKE. Topics: non-printing char ... s. Includes source code.

Peripheral Vision: INPUT# Versus the String Thing – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #15, May 1996, p. 42

Using “The String Thing”. Explanation of String Thing, a routine for reading st ... BASIC's INPUT# or GET#.

BASIC Instincts: Discovering Fractals and Chaos – Pankhurst, David

Commodore World Issue #15, May 1996, p. 44

Exploring the world of fractals and chaos. Two short BASIC programs that illust ... spleenwort fern fractal.

Commodore Trivia #15 – Brain, Jim

Commodore World Issue #16, August 1996, p. 6

How well do you know your Commodore facts? Reprinted from Commodore Trivia on t ... and questions $0e0-$0ef.

Just For Starters: Useful Items for the User Port – Compton, Jason

Commodore World Issue #16, August 1996, p. 10

Find out what you can do with the User Port. Uses for the User Port: modems, RS ... and video digitization.

Graphic Interpretation: geoWrite Done Right – Sullivan, Paul

Commodore World Issue #16, August 1996, p. 12

Looking for some geoWrite goodies? Tips for a geoWrite power user, and useful GEOS utilities.