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Carrier Detect: IRC Chatter – Gasson, Gaelyne R.

Commodore World Issue #17, October 1996, p. 34

If you thought online chatting died with Q-Link, better check this out... Guide ... of IRC server addresses.

Sorry for the Confusion... – Albert, Susan

geoWorld Issue No. 11, February 1988, p. 8

A clarification: Susan Albert who writes for geoWorld is not the same person a ... have accounts on Q-Link.

Desk-Top Publishing – Goetzinger, Skip

geoWorld Issue No. 7, October 1987, p. 6

Using your Commodore & GEOS productively. This month is a potpourri of tips, tr ... on laser printer issues.

Desk-Top Publishing – Goetzinger, Skip

geoWorld Issue No. 6, September 1987, p. 15

Using your Commodore & GEOS productively. This month is a potpourri of tips, tr ... ervices related to GEOS.

Cyberspace Cowboy – Smulkowski, R. J.

dieHard Volume 4, No. 1, Holiday/Winter 1994/95, p. 26

Topics: the Computer Abuse Amendments Act of 1994, Q-Link shutting down, Commo ... port at Delphi, and IRC.

What's New Online for Commodore – Yakal, Kathy

Compute!'s Gazette Issue 33, Volume 4, No. 3, March 1986, p. 18

If you've held off on buying a modem because you've heard horror stories about ... erve, Delphi, and GEnie.

The Commodore SIG – Yakal, Kathy

Compute!'s Gazette Issue 33, Volume 4, No. 3, March 1986, p. 26

Overview of the features of Q-Link. Commodore lends exclusive marketing support to QuantumLink.

The 64C: A New Look for an Old Friend – Bateman, Selby

Compute!'s Gazette Issue 38, Volume 4, No. 8, August 1986, p. 22

The ever-popular Commodore 64 is undergoing the first major change in its four- ... e 64C, Q-Link, and GEOS.

geoWatch – Descoteaux, Gerry

RUN September/October 1991, p. 58

Just when you thought you would get some work done...Invasion of the productivi ... to Q-Link by geoJunky).

Q-Link Downloading Tips – Descoteaux, Gerry

RUN May/June 1991, p. 47

Simple steps for retrieving programs and info from this popular online network. ... ading files from Q-Link.

GEOS: A GEOS Tour of Q-Link – Vander Ark, Steve

Compute!'s Gazette Special Section Volume 15, No. 2, February 1993, p. 22

If you're a GEOS fan, you can't afford to pass up all the great programs on Qua ... oad libraries on Q-Link.

GEOS: What's Hot on QuantumLink – Vander Ark, Steve

Compute!'s Gazette Special Section Volume 15, No. 4, April 1993, p. 22

Hot GEOS programs on QuantumLink. Here are some exciting new programs for GEOS ... or download from Q-Link.