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Nim: The Ultimate Binary Game – Butterfield, Jim

Compute! Issue 89, Volume 9, No. 10, October 1987, p. 87

The best way to beat the computer in this classic strategy game is to know how ... ith adaptive difficulty.

Amiga and 64 Ramdisk Files – Butterfield, Jim

Compute! Issue 88, Volume 9, No. 9, September 1987, p. 93

Learn about the powerful technique of using ramdisk files on both the Amiga and ... xample program in BASIC.

The 128's CHAR Statement – Butterfield, Jim

Compute! Issue 87, Volume 9, No. 8, August 1987, p. 108

In this article, associate editor Jim Butterfield examines the highly versatile ... text and graphics modes.

Peripheral Vision: The Cassette Connection – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #13, February 1996, p. 50

The Datasette connection. A deep look at the hardware of the cassette port edge connector.

Assembly Line: Organization and Input – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #13, February 1996, p. 52

Organizing your program storage, and getting input. Organizing a machine-langua ... yboard with source code.

Peripheral Vision: Joystick, Paddle, and Mouse – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #14, April 1996, p. 48

Your computer, joysticks, paddles and mice. Reading input devices through the ... SIC, with code examples.

Assembly Line: Input and a Little Arithmetic – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #14, April 1996, p. 52

Getting input in machine language. Getting user input from the screen by callin ... e. Includes source code.

Assembly Line: Review and Practice – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #15, May 1996, p. 40

A review of (and some new ideas about) PEEK and POKE. Topics: non-printing char ... s. Includes source code.

Peripheral Vision: INPUT# Versus the String Thing – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #15, May 1996, p. 42

Using “The String Thing”. Explanation of String Thing, a routine for reading st ... BASIC's INPUT# or GET#.

Assembly Line: Processor Status Register Flags – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #16, August 1996, p. 44

An inside look at the Processor Status register flags. Topics: flags and branch ... r. Includes source code.

Peripheral Vision: The Peripheral Bus – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #16, August 1996, p. 46

An overview of how Commodore's peripheral bus operates. Pin configurations of t ... with BASIC I/O commands.

Assembly Line: Numbers and Arithmetic – Butterfield, Jim

Commodore World Issue #18, December 1996, p. 38

Simple numerical input in machine language. Explores the relationships among PE ... n. Includes source code.